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SocrateOpen Community
Terms of Use
Developers Guide
1. Getting Started
1. Prerequisites
2. Install & Run SocrateCloud
3. Setting up development environment
1. Software configuration
2. Installing SocrateCloud for reference
3. Creating a SocrateCloud development database
4. Getting SocrateCloud sources
5. Compiling sources
6. Deploying compiled binaries
7. Debugging with Eclipse
Build for SocrateOpen Server
Developing SocrateOpen with Eclipse
Your first SocrateOpen Application - MyBookStore
External Contributors
1. Set up Eclipse IDE
2. Checkout, build, run
3. Create your project(s)
4. Commit projects in SVN
5. Maintain project versions
External development partners
Activating a new development partner
Configure a reference database
Request changes to the reference database
Submitting code changes to BITSoftware's GitHub repository
Testing environment
SocrateOpen Infrastructure
VirtualBox Image
VirtualBox Tested Configurations
SocrateOpen Community
3. Setting up development environment
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