Developing SocrateOpen with Eclipse

SocrateOpen is developed by using the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The SocrateOpen sources in SVN BitSoftware are defined into Eclipse projects.

The sections below describe the required steps to follow in order to download the sources, upload them into Eclipse, and launch the SocrateOpen Client from Eclipse.

Preparing Eclipse for SocrateOpen and SVN

1. Once Eclipse has been launched, indicate the location for a new SocrateOpen workspace. Either click the Browse

button or type in the path.

2. If the Welcome page is displayed, close it.

3. If the Subclipse plug-in wasn't previously installed, go to Help > Software Updates > Available Software and select Add site.... Enter the URL for the Subclipse plug-in (

4. Select the Subclipse and Subclipse SVNKit Option plug-ins in the section.

5. Once the plug-ins are installed and Eclipse restarts, deselect (uncheck) the Build Automatically option in the Project menu.

6. Go to File > Import and choose Checkout Projects from SVN.

7. Select Create a new repository location.

8. For the URL write:

9. Accept the SVN Server certificate (we recommend you to choose the Accept Permanently option).

10. Select the projects under

11. Click Finish.

12. When the download completes, the Eclipse window should look similar to the image below.

The First Build

For details regarding the first build, refer to Build for SocrateOpen Server

The Eclipse Build

After the first build, you can continue with the build via Eclipse. These are the steps to follow:

1. To load the libraries generated with the first build, select the lib project and click F5 or right-click and then select Refresh.

2. From the Build menu choose Build All or use the key combination Ctr+B.

3. At the end of the first build, several errors will be displayed.

4. Repeat the build several times until there is no error left, or a single error is displayed, as in the image below.

In this case, select the Install project, go to the Project menu and choose Clean....

Choose Clean projects selected below and make sure that the Install project is selected.

5. Once the build completes, there should be no error messages (except warnings, which are ignored).

Launching the SocrateOpen Client via Eclipse

1. Go to Navigate > Open Type.

2. Search for and open the AMenu class.

3. Go to Run > Run Configurations....

4. Select Java Application > New.

5. Optionally, change the name as SocrateOpenClient.

6. In the Classpath tab, select User Entries and then click the Add Projects... button.

7. Select the following projects: ad, base, common, extend, install, print and xuom.

8. Next, in the same Classpath tab, click the Add JARs... button and select jbossall-client.jar from the jboss > client project.

9. Click the Run button in the Run Configurations window. Now, the SocrateOpen Client runs via Eclipse.

10. The error messages below (displayed in the Eclipse console) will be ignored.

11. Once the Client starts, you can select the Build Automatically option from the Project menu. Thus, any code change will automatically trigger a build.