2. Checkout, build, run
After your Eclipse installation is configured and your Subclipse plugin is installed, you can checkout the SocrateOpen source code from https://svn.bitsoftware.ro:8443/dev/SocrateOpen/trunk/
1. Disable Build Automatically (in the Project menu).
2. Go to File > Import... and select SVN -> Checkout Projects from SVN. Press Next.
3. Chose Create a new repository location. Press Next.
4. Enter the URL: https://svn.bitsoftware.ro:8443/dev/SocrateOpen/trunk. Press Next.
5. Select all the projects listed under the repository. Press Finish.
6. After the checkout completes, you need to build the SocrateOpen.
Open the myDevEnvTemplate.bat (on Windows machines) from the utils_dev project, and edit the JAVA_HOME, COMPIERE_SOURCE, COMPIERE_ROOT and COMPIERE_INSTALL variables. Save the file with myDevEnv.bat name.
For Unix / Linux / Solaris machines, a preconfigured myDevEnv.sh already exists. You should verify and change it if it doesn't match your environment.
Open a terminal (command prompt) window and navigate to the utils_dev folder from inside your local SocrateOpen root folder.
Launch RUN_Build.bat (sh).
At the end of the build, you will get an error message like this:
[echo] SocrateOpen Server Setup ===================
[echo] COMPIERE_HOME = /home/miki/temp/24_inst/SocrateOpen
/home/miki/temp/temp/utils_dev/build.xml:92: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/miki/temp/24_inst/SocrateOpen/build.xml:29: **** RUN_setup was not successful - please re-run ****
You should ignore it for the moment.
In the command window, navigate to your COMPIERE_HOME directory (to locate it, see the above error message) and launch RUN_Setup.bat/sh in order to install the SocrateOpen Server. For Linux / Unix / Solaris, you should set the executable attribute for RUN_Setup.sh.
Prerequisite for the setup: A running Oracle XE/10g/11g database instance!
After the setup process and the database import are finlished, you should start the SocrateOpen Server. Go to the utils folder from inside the root of COMPIERE_HOME and launch RUN_Server2.bat/sh.
Go back to Eclipse, select all projects and choose File > Refresh.
Build the project inside Eclipse. Press the key combination Ctr+B until no error messages are displayed anymore in the Problems screen.
7. Launch SocrateOpen client from Eclipse
Open Run > Run configurations... and right-click on the Java Application category > New.
Enter the name SocrateOpen Client.
Choose client for the project and org.compiere.apps.AMenu for the main class.
Go to the Classpath tab, select User Entries and click the Add Projects... button.
Check all available projects and then click OK.
Click the Run button.