2. Checkout, build, run

After your Eclipse installation is configured and your Subclipse plugin is installed, you can checkout the SocrateOpen source code from https://svn.bitsoftware.ro:8443/dev/SocrateOpen/trunk/

1. Disable Build Automatically (in the Project menu).

2. Go to File > Import... and select SVN -> Checkout Projects from SVN. Press Next.

3. Chose Create a new repository location. Press Next.

4. Enter the URL: https://svn.bitsoftware.ro:8443/dev/SocrateOpen/trunk. Press Next.

5. Select all the projects listed under the repository. Press Finish.

6. After the checkout completes, you need to build the SocrateOpen.

      • Open the myDevEnvTemplate.bat (on Windows machines) from the utils_dev project, and edit the JAVA_HOME, COMPIERE_SOURCE, COMPIERE_ROOT and COMPIERE_INSTALL variables. Save the file with myDevEnv.bat name.

      • For Unix / Linux / Solaris machines, a preconfigured myDevEnv.sh already exists. You should verify and change it if it doesn't match your environment.

      • Open a terminal (command prompt) window and navigate to the utils_dev folder from inside your local SocrateOpen root folder.

      • Launch RUN_Build.bat (sh).

      • At the end of the build, you will get an error message like this:

              • setupInit:

              • [echo] SocrateOpen Server Setup ===================

              • [echo] COMPIERE_HOME = /home/miki/temp/24_inst/SocrateOpen

              • BUILD FAILED

              • /home/miki/temp/temp/utils_dev/build.xml:92: The following error occurred while executing this line:

              • /home/miki/temp/24_inst/SocrateOpen/build.xml:29: **** RUN_setup was not successful - please re-run ****

    • You should ignore it for the moment.

      • In the command window, navigate to your COMPIERE_HOME directory (to locate it, see the above error message) and launch RUN_Setup.bat/sh in order to install the SocrateOpen Server. For Linux / Unix / Solaris, you should set the executable attribute for RUN_Setup.sh.

Prerequisite for the setup: A running Oracle XE/10g/11g database instance!

      • After the setup process and the database import are finlished, you should start the SocrateOpen Server. Go to the utils folder from inside the root of COMPIERE_HOME and launch RUN_Server2.bat/sh.

      • Go back to Eclipse, select all projects and choose File > Refresh.

      • Build the project inside Eclipse. Press the key combination Ctr+B until no error messages are displayed anymore in the Problems screen.

7. Launch SocrateOpen client from Eclipse

      • Open Run > Run configurations... and right-click on the Java Application category > New.

      • Enter the name SocrateOpen Client.

      • Choose client for the project and org.compiere.apps.AMenu for the main class.

      • Go to the Classpath tab, select User Entries and click the Add Projects... button.

      • Check all available projects and then click OK.

      • Click the Run button.